

Australia. I found your

Bob Head(293)From UK but lived ‘en famille’ in Australia last 31 years! Took up French 3 years ago and discovered your website about a year ago– it’s a GREAT encouragement to me–so well cross-referenced. You explain things SO WELL! Recently my wife and I helped a group of french native speakers here start up a French organisation for Southern Sydney and since then I’ve spent more time administreing it than learning French language! However-amazing number of people have joined up and we have started conversation classes.November 27, 2009 at Rosetta Stone Greek
4:36 pmReply Michael(294)Bonjour Laura.I am from Australia, and have been studying french at Alliance Francaise this year. Your site is an extremely valuable adjunct and resource to any student of the language. I intend to travel to France next year, as I have had a lifelong interest in the land and culture. I was taught in elementary school by Les Soeurs Notre Dame De Sion, who spoke to us children in basic french. In those years there was very little opportunity to speak french on a daily basis so I forgot most of it. Now I am retired I am able to return to the study of the language, and am doing so with relish. I can’t wait to use it “in situ”. What a great day that will be when a native Frenchman understands me!!!November 27, 2009 at 4:48 pmReply jNet(295)LauraI am a teacher of French in Canberra, Australia. I found your site a couple of years ago Cheap Rosetta Stone V3
and have been a regular reader ever since. I often refer my students to your site, especially if they need more information or clarification on a point of grammar. I find your explanations to be easy to follow/understand and, unlike other sites, correct! I also enjoy the quizzes on topics as they are well designed and give Rosetta Stone V3
students good practice. Thank you so much for all the work you do on here.A bientot.November 27, 2009 at 5:21 pmReply Donal McCarthy(296)J’habite en Irlande. Mer?i Laura pour un très bon site. Je lis toujours le blog, et j’apprends beaucoup.November 27, 2009 at 5:22 pmReply

