

Michael Jackson Autopsy Underway, Cops Search For Doctor

The autopsy to investigate Michael Jacksons cause of death has reportedly begun. Dr. Lakshmanan Rosetta Stone language Sathyavagiswaran, the Chief Medical Examiner-Coroner for Los Angeles who gained national attention for his role in the O.J. Simpson trial, will oversee the examination. Initial autopsy results will likely show whether Jackson had a previous undetected heart condition, but the toxicology results wont be known for another six to eight weeks, CNN reports. However, the results may be expedited and the cause might be revealed with one to three weeks."The likelihood is very slim that we will have any results to release today because of the extensive level of the tests that were going to be performing," assistant chief of the Los Angeles Coroners Office Ed Winter said. Following the autopsy, Jacksons body will be released back to his family.Us Weekly reports that prescription drugs may have played a role in Jacksons death. The familys longtime attorney Brian Oxman told the magazine, "I dont know what caused Michaels death, and I dont want to speculate as to what the causes are. I only know that I warned them there was the misuse of prescription medications by people who were Cheap Rosetta Stone Software enabling him his handlers, folks who should never have been permitted to allow him to use those medications in the manner I observed."Meanwhile, investigators are reportedly in search of Jacksons personal physician, CNN also reports. Thus far, police have been unable to get in touch with the doctor, though the physicians BMW was seen being towed away from Jacksons home and later impounded. According to Houston, Texas KHOU, the doctor has been identified as Dr. Conrad Robert Murray, a cardiologist licensed to practice medicine in Texas and Nevada who was living with Jackson at the time of his death. When asked why investigators towed the doctors car, LAPD detective Agustin Villanueva said it was believed the automobile might contain "medications pertinent to the investigation." I probably had the look more back then than now. Id just destroy my clothes: rip them and re-sew them, destroy them and add accessories, go to Hot Topic and buy all my jewelry and stuff. And Id make it an extreme version when Id go out.Whats the plan now for you in terms of career stuff? How are you going to use this as a launching pad?I didnt go to college for seven years and get two degrees to just go, "All right, Im famous, screw it." So I want to do networking sites, and plus I have the opportunity to take Rosetta Stone Hindi v3 my knowledge of websites and maybe make bigger ones.

