

In 1382 a tax riot grew into a revolt called the Maillotin uprising

In the 11th century the first guilds were formed, among them the butchers' guild Rosetta Stone V3 and the river-merchants' guild, or marchandise de l'eau. In 1141 the crown sold the principal port (near the Htel de Ville) to the marchandise, whose ship-blazoned arms eventually were adopted as those of Paris. In 1171 Louis VII gave the marchandise a charter confirming its ancient right to a monopoly of river trade.During the reign of Philip II (11791223), Paris was extensively improved. Streets were paved, the city wall was enlarged, and a number of new towns were enfranchised. In 1190, when Philip II went on a crusade for a year, he entrusted the city's administration not to the provost but to the guild. In 1220 the crown ceded one of its own precious rights to the townsmenthe right to collect duty on incoming goods. The merchants were also made responsible for maintaining fair weights and measures. The Rosetta Stone Japanese King's formal recognition of the University of Paris in 1200 was also a recognition of the natural division of Paris into three parts. On the Right Bank were the mercantile quarters, on the island was the cit, and the Left Bank contained the university and academic quarters. Numerous colleges were also founded, including the Sorbonne (about 1257).In the 14th century the development of Paris was hindered not only by the Black Death (134849) but also by the Hundred Years' War (13371453) and by internal disturbances resulting from it. The provost of the merchants in 1356 was tienne Marcel, who wanted a Paris as rich and free as the independent cities of the Low Countries. He gave the House of Pillars to the municipal government, and he slew the Dauphin's counselors in the palace throne room and took Rosetta Stone German V3 over the city.

