

Tips To Enjoy A Memorable Holiday Abroad!

When you plan an international trip with your family it will be easier to get sick when you are in a new environment. Your body should get adjusted to the new food, water and air. The stress and excitement of travel could make you more likely to get sick. Here are a few healthy tips for you to make your trip more enjoyable.The first thing you need is to find out what kinds of vaccinations needed in the country you plan to visit and other requirements.There are three most common health problems one will face during such travel. They are: Jet lag Altitude sickness DiarrhoeaTo overcome jet lag, if you are travelling from west to east you must stay out of the sun until the day after your arrival. If you travel from east to west, you go for a brisk walk sooner you arrive at the place of your visit.Dry air, decrease in oxygen and Rosetta Stone Portuguese low barometric pressure due to altitude are the reasons for the altitude sickness. By gradually increasing the altitude this problem can be solved or a drug known as acetazolamide can give a relief from this sickness.Traveller's diarrhoea - turista occurs when foreign type bacteria enters the digestive tract when contaminated food or water is taken. By taking proper care in the food you eat and the water you drink this can be avoided.Water supplies in many developing countries are not treated, so it is better you drink only bottled water.You must carry inhalers, allergy medicines, insulin as well as contact lens cleaners and vitamins. It is always better to carry your medical history with you while on travel with the following information: Name, address and phone number of the contact person in case of emergency Blood group Immunization reports Doctor's name, address and telephone number Name and address of your health insurance carrier including your policy number A list of current medications you are taking, if any With the above precautions, you will surely have a memorable holiday abroad and share with us on your return.

