

The Secret To Using Popup Software

Opinions vary greatly on the subject of website popups. Many have told me that popups Learn French Online
are essential for acquiring leads. Other have adamantly stated that they isolate and alienate your website visitors, literally driving them away. Personally, I think that this is one of those "the-devil-is-in-the-details" subjects. I believe in popups because for me, I feel that they have increased the number of signups I have added to my list.As a means to share with you what I have learned, I have compiled my findings in this article. Here is my take on this subject after experimenting with it a little bit.At first, I place one on my home page to pop up immediately...not effective. I quickly was reminded of the fact that many of my visitors never see my home page, but in fact, land on an internal page, especially if they come in the form of organic traffic.Then I set it up to pop up on each and every page a person navigated to...bounces shot through the roof...not Rosetta Stone French
effective at all...quickly abandoned.With that information, I set it up to immediately pop up on the first page that a visitor landed on...not effective, bounces remained high. Apparently, people didn't like having a popup be the first thing they saw when landing on my site, especially if they were coming through search engines because they were searching for something specific and that wasn't it.The "in-your-face" tactics did not work for me...despite the advice of a well known mentor. So I had to come up with something and it was at this point that I realized that the secret was in the delay.I have come up with a combination that I think is working for me and it is this...I have set my opt in pop up to pop up on each and every single page (I know that sounds crazy and overwhelming) that a person lands on or navigates to BUT...and here is what I think will work...There is a 180 second delay before it pops up on each page. What does this accomplish? It allows visitors to get comfortable on each page and find the information that they are searching for BEFORE they are interrupted by a small opt in box. They only know about it if they stay on the page for more than three minutes. Those are the visitors that I am interested in, the ones that hang around. These individuals arerosetta stone software
more likely to opt in and in the mean time, I do not annoy casual browsers leaving a bad taste in their mouth.

