Christian Petersen/Getty ImagesIt is my opinion that we should never mix sports and politics, similar to mixing religion and politics.Why do most of us actually watch sports? This question can and would be answered ten different ways by ten different people. It is a safe bet that common answers would Oakland Raiders jersey
continually show up such as; entertainment, the vicarious thrill of being on the winning side, keeping up with a local team or player, and we should not leave out the sports people working the event for a pay check.An episode of CSI actually had a great explanation too. Sports are instant justice. Everyone knows the same rules, everyone plays by them, and when the rules are violated, punishments are given out swiftly and surely and (usually) fairly. Regardless of the sport, it in some way incorporates everything about people into it. Sports combine physical activity, mathematical precision, strategy, cunning and teamwork.Now cue up the Phoenix Suns and owner Robert Sarver. He has decided to insert his team into the political arena tonight with a protest, but only a half protest. Philadelphia Eagles jersey
He has his team, with the leagues permission wearing jerseys that say Los Suns.Sun translated from English to Spanish is Sol. Why only half heartedly change the jerseys? Why not put Los Sols on them? Your guess is as good as mine.Even Charles Barkley got it. Sports figures are not heroes, they are sports figures. We as citizens and parents are responsible for teaching our kids right from wrong.You may not like the law (SB 1070), but one thing is certain. We should teach our children right from wrong. We have a responsibility to teach this to our children.I am sure most of you know who Jim Rome is. Extending back nearly fifteen years he used a phrase repeatedly. This phrase was to have a take, and don suck. Essentially he was saying to be short, sweet, to the point, and Pittsburgh Steelers jersey
TRUTHFUL. The Sols are complaining about a state law that MIRRORS the existing federal statutes. Where have all of these whiners been for years under the EXACT same federal law?When a family struggles to spend hard earned money on an NBA playoff game, shouldn they get the entertainment they paid for without the owner OPINIONS? I know some of you are going to be mad at me, so be it. To quote Jim Rome, Have a take, and don suck!